Selectively Syncing Product Fields

Set fields to update during automatic sync

Supply Master allows you to control which fields are updated when syncing product information from suppliers. This is especially useful when you want to maintain customizations like product titles or descriptions while still automatically updating other fields such as inventory, pricing, or variant-specific details.

How to Control Product Field Updates

To configure which product fields are updated during automatic sync:

Navigate to Supplier Settings: Go to Edit Supplier and find the Update Settings section.

You will have multiple options to control what gets updated:

  • All Fields: Updates every field, including product titles, descriptions, and images.

  • All Fields Except Images: Updates all fields except product images, saving time and bandwidth, particularly for merchants handling a large number of products. Since image files are often large, excluding them from updates significantly reduces the sync time and resource usage.

  • Only Variant Fields (Color, Size, Pricing, Inventory & Weight): Limits updates to only variant-specific fields such as color, size, pricing, and inventory, preserving your custom product titles and descriptions.

After selecting the appropriate option for your needs, save your settings to ensure future syncs follow the desired behavior. Next, go to View Products, then select Import Products. This will initiate an update according to the saved configuration.

Timing of Updates

These update settings only take effect after the product or variant has been created for at least 12 hours. This delay ensures that products or variants remain stable for an initial period before these settings are applied. It prevents unnecessary early updates during the initial product setup, allowing time for manual customization without interference from automatic syncs.

By using these settings, you can maintain control over which product details are updated and optimize performance during syncs, especially when managing a large inventory.

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